Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Congressional Checks on Power & the Expressed Powers of Congress

Congressional checks on power
The legislative branch can check the power of the executive and/or judicial in the following ways:

- power of the purse (executive)
only Congress controls appropriations (bills that direct funds to a specific purpose)

- advice & consent (executive & judicial)
treaties, government officials, justices of the court are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate

- impeachment (executive & judicial)
Congress can charge a member of the executive or judicial branch with wrongdoing (impeachment) and bring them to trial
Rough diagram of the impeachment process

- amendments (judicial)
only Congress can propose an amendment to the Constitution

- veto override (executive)
Congress can override a Presidential veto of legislation with 2/3 support in both Houses

- Congressional oversight
Congress can hold hearings, conduct investigations, etc regarding what various other elements of the government are doing

Let's quickly review the various powers of Congress: Article I Section 8
Expressed (Enumerated) A1 S8 C1-17
Implied A1 S8 C18

And don't forget the powers denied to Congress: Article I Section 9

Now let's examine the Expressed Powers in detail
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 - power to levy taxes (remember sources of tax revenue)
Clause 2 - power to borrow money (borrowing can lead to deficits)
Clause 3 - power to regulate commerce (commerce clause; Gibbons v Ogden; HofA v US)
Clause 11 - power to declare war (War Powers Act)
Clause 12 - raise an army
Clause 13 - raise a navy
Clause 18 - to do what is necessary & proper (necessary & proper clause/ elastic clause)
This gives implied power and we will look at that next time.