Friday, August 16, 2013

Different forms and structures of government

Various forms of government
- anarchy
- autocracy
     - monarchy
     - dictatorship
- oligarchy
     - dictatorship
     - aristocracy
     - technocracy
- democracy
     - direct democracy
     - republic

How to organize government & distribute power:
- Unitary system
- Confederal system
- Federal system

Different types of democratic models:
- Presidential model
- Parliamentary model

Notably difference exists in how the chief executive of the government is chosen. By the people at large (Presidential model) or by the legislative body (Parliamentary model).

If the chief executive is chosen by the people at large, the position is somewhat set apart from the legislative body. Hence a State of the Union address has a certain decorum.

If the chief executive is chosen by the legislative body from one in their midst, the the position is not set apart from the legislative body. I give you..... Prime Minister's Questions.