Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What is Government?

What is government and why do we care?
That thing out there that can mess with your life

Relationship between power and policy
Power - authority & ability to makes things happen
Policy - actions taken by government towards a particular goal
Governments utilize power to execute policy

What is the difference between a nation and a state?
Nation - group of people sharing similar ethnic or cultural backgrounds
State - political unit with the power to execute policy over people living within a defined territory

Is the United States a nation or a state?

Theories of origin of the state
If you really want to get into it....

Other wise...
4 basic theories of origin of the state
- Divine Right Theory
- Evolution Theory
- Social Contract Theory
- Force Theory

5 basic functions of government
- ensure national security
- maintain order
- resolve conflict
- provide services
- provide for the public good